Maximizing Back to School Season for Barbershops
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Ah, back to school season. Beyond cheap pencils and notebooks, it's a crucial time for barbershops to amp up sales, bring old customers back, and connect with the community. We've been talking to some shops and marketing experts about ways you can make the most this year and are sharing some cool ideas for you to take advantage of this back to school season.

Back to School Marketing Ideas

To hit the sweet spot this back to school season, you gotta have a killer marketing strategy. Here are a few ideas to reel in new customers, boost sales, and support your community at the same time.

Offer Back to School Packages

Want to reel in the new clients and boost sales? Whip up some enticing back to school packages that include haircuts, beard trims, and more. Make them irresistible by throwing in discounts or freebies. Plus, consider tailoring packages for different age groups, like elementary or high school and college students.

Discounts or Free Cuts for Teachers

Teachers rock, right? Show them some love by offering discounts or free cuts. These educators not only deserve some pampering, but they also deserve a break for spending a bundle on classroom supplies. Strengthening your ties with the community, boosting customer loyalty, and getting people talking about your brand - it's a win-win-win!

Building Awareness Through Community Spirit

If your shop is near a school or university, consider offering school spirit specials. Make it fun and exciting by creating services that match the school's vibe. And don't forget to offer cool discounts for students and faculty. This will help your barbershop gain buzz and attract fresh faces.

Collaborate with Schools to Support Children in Need

Want to make a difference in the community? Host a school supply drive! Encourage customers to donate school supplies and reward them with discounts or free services. Don't forget to spread the word on social media too! You can also team up with schools to provide haircuts for kids or families in need. Offering free or discounted services to students and teachers is a fantastic way to make an impact.

Advertise Your Shop in the School Newspaper

Targeting high school or college students? Consider advertising in school newspapers or bulletins. It's a cost-effective way to get your brand out there. Offer a juicy discount to new customers, get 'em through the door, and blow their minds with your top-notch service to keep them coming back for more!

As Always, Utilize Social Media

Don't forget about the power of social media! It's a must-have tool for barbershops to promote services and special offers. Keep your content relevant to the town you're in and post regularly. Show some love for your local schools, showcase team spirit, and share inspiring stories. This will help you forge stronger connections with your customers and keep their loyalty going strong.

Back to School Is a Great Time for Growth

Now that you know the importance of back to school season for your barbershop, it's time to dive in and make the most of it. Strengthen those roots, build customer loyalty, and watch your business thrive. With SQUIRE Engage, you've got everything you need to easily promote your back to school strategy through emails, push notifications, or text messages.. Learn more about using SQUIRE Engage to get started today.