The Top 10 Hottest Cities for Haircuts in the US
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You can find barbershops all across the US with barbers delivering super clean fades and sharp edge-ups, but only the shops from 10 places made SQUIRE’s “Top 10 Hottest Cities for Haircuts.” 

Where you set up shop can have a big impact on the future of your business, from how much you charge to how many clients you can draw in every month. Whether you’re a new barber looking to set up shop or you’re expanding your business empire with new shops, it’s important to understand the opportunities available in each region.

We wanted to know where barbershop businesses are thriving, so we analyzed our data from thousands of shops to give you a snapshot of where shop owners are finding the winning formula.

What’s that secret sauce, you ask? The shops in these cities are able to charge higher prices on average and they’re bringing in steady foot traffic to keep their barbers’ chairs full. 

We focused on three key questions about the business patterns around these shops’ haircut services:

  1. How much does the average cut cost in the area?
  2. How many clients are shops getting in the door each month for haircuts?
  3. What is the average monthly revenue shops are getting from their cuts?

We’ve got data from Fresno, CA to Buffalo, NY and everywhere in between, but we were able to narrow it down to ten cities where barbershop owners are finding the most opportunities to be successful.

Sure, the shops in the cities that make our “Hottest Cities” are going to have some serious bragging rights. But beyond that, these numbers can get the barbers in your shop talking about important business questions like:

  1. Is the price for a cut in your shop fair to you and your customers—while also helping your business grow?
  2. What can you do to attract more foot traffic and turn them into loyal clients?
  3. What products and services beyond haircuts can help you achieve your revenue goals?

Barbers and shops that hustle everyday to improve these areas are the ones who are more likely to make their income goals–helping them have more time outside of work for family and friends.

Keep reading to see if your hometown made the cut as one of the “Top 10 Hottest Cities for Haircuts in the US.” If it didn’t, check back soon! Our “Hottest Cities” report looked at data from May 2023–your city might make the next edition.

Where barbers are making the most per cut

The price of a haircut is often seen as an index for the cost of living in an area. Our data shows a similar pattern, with some of the highest prices in places where the cost of living is higher than average. 

Big cities and metro areas, especially along the coasts, tended to be higher than the national average of $40.13. It may not be surprising that Los Angeles topped our list with an average cut for $61.77, but would you guess Frisco, TX would be joining L.A. on it? 

  1. Los Angeles ($64.74)
  2. Chicago ($59.01)
  3. West Hollywood, CA ($58.80)
  4. San Francisco, CA ($57.37)
  5. Seattle ($57.25)
  6. San Jose, CA ($56.25)
  7. Las Vegas ($54.99)
  8. Oakland, CA ($53.83)
  9. New York ($48.27)
  10. Frisco, TX ($52.00)
The Top 10 US Cities for Most Expensive Haircuts (May 2023)

Where barbers are the busiest each month

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got the highest or the lowest prices for a cut in your area if you can’t keep steady foot traffic. From making sure clients show up by sending appointment reminders to building repeat business with loyalty programs, there are many ways the top performing shops are keeping the chairs occupied at all times. 

So, where are barber shops the busiest? In our data, the people can’t get enough of the cuts in Homestead, FL which registered as the busiest region, far outpacing the national average of 195 patrons per month. California’s Bay Area cities took the next three spots, while New York City, multiple cities in Florida, Texas, and Columbia, SC all eclipsed the national average to round out the top ten. 

  1. Homestead, FL (575)
  2. Fresno, CA (552)
  3. Oakland, CA (549)
  4. San Francisco, CA (525)
  5. New York, NY (499)
  6. Miami, FL (468)
  7. Boca Raton, FL (434)
  8. Spring, TX (418)
  9. Tallahassee, FL (342)
  10. Columbia, SC (341)
The Top 10 US Cities for Heaviest Barbershop Foot Traffic (May 2023)

The Hottest Cities for Haircuts in the US

There are many factors that influence whether a barbershop will be a successful business. One way to measure the health of your business is to see how haircuts–the core service–are performing for your bottom line.

An average monthly revenue based on cuts alone doesn't paint the whole picture of a shop’s earning potential, haircuts are the backbone of the business. 

A healthy barbershop business is able to bring in clients for haircuts consistently, even if the prices are higher than average. By getting people in the door, barbers are able to build that relationship of trust with clients. Those are the clients who come back, who take product recommendations, and try out luxury services like a straight razor shave.

Consistent foot traffic is a critical marker of success. Even though shops in L.A. topped the price list, the city didn’t crack our list when it comes to the “Hottest Cities,” because those shops don’t get as much foot traffic for haircuts as these other cities. 

If you’re trying to generate more revenue, we recommend you focus on getting more people in the shop for cuts. More foot traffic has a greater effect on overall revenue than a price increase. Once you’ve built up consistent demand, then you can start talking about raising prices to generate more revenue with fewer cuts.

When we see SQUIRE shops having this success, we know it’s because they’re killing the marketing game and keeping in touch with customers to minimize no-shows. These barbers are building lasting relationships by providing great customer experiences, from booking, to the cut, all the way through the checkout process.

Topping out our list was San Francisco, again, with the average shop pulling in over $30k alone on haircuts. Other cities including New York, Miami, Spring, TX and even Honolulu joined our Top 10 by pulling in significantly more than the national average of $7,800 per month.

  1. San Francisco, CA ($30.1K)
  2. Oakland, CA ($29.5K)
  3. New York, NY ($26.2K)
  4. Miami, FL ($19.8K)
  5. Fresno, CA ($17.9K)
  6. Boca Raton, FL ($15.6K)
  7. Homestead, FL ($15.3K)
  8. Spring, TX ($14.6K)
  9. Dallas, TX ($14K)
  10. Honolulu, KI ($13.5K)
The Top 10 US Cities for Highest Barbershop Revenue from Haircuts (May 2023)

Location matters. Prices matter. Smart business strategies matter more.

Will this round’s “Hottest Cities” keep their title throughout the year? With back-to-school and the holidays just around the corner, maybe we’ll see the busy season propel new contenders into the top 10.

Download a hi-res version of "The Top 10 Hottest Cities for Haircuts in the US" here.

The real question, though, is: what is your shop doing to improve the key variables affecting your revenue? Hopefully this list sparks a conversation in your shop about where you're finding success–and where you can improve–the bottom line. 

Here’s some strategic questions to consider:

  1. Are your cuts still below the national average? After years of inflation and rising costs of goods, maybe it’s time to consider raising your prices
  1. If your shop is keeping the chairs full and charging a fair price, maybe it’s time to consider more  upscale services and even retail sales to help increase the average revenue per customer visit?
  1. Is your shop struggling with bringing in (and keeping) new customers to the shop? Maybe it’s time to try a barbershop business management system like SQUIRE, which helps shops reduce 99% of no-shows and grow revenue 29% on average. 

No matter where you’re located, with the right business tools and strategies, you can help your shop catch fire within your community and hit your revenue goals this year.

Check out our recent piece, How to Raise Your Barbershop Prices (Without Losing Customers), to learn more about getting a fair price for your services.